Home Theater Services

Home Theater solutions tailored for your space

Having a good TV in your home is great, but it can’t compete with the complete home theater experience. The lights dim and as you sit back in a comfy sofa, you’re immersed in surround sound and the brilliant, crisp display of 4k television display. It’s unbeatable.

While the home theater experience is incredible, making it happen can be a real headache. What equipment should you buy given your budget? Where should it be installed? How should the equipment be configured? And how do you deal with the sudden explosion in remote controlled devices?

Fortunately, Jersey Tech Pros are home theater installation experts

Media Room Facelifts

Whether your projector is out of date,  your A/V receiver has stopped working or you need an entire Media Room face-lift, let us show you how to make the most of your existing investment.

Universal Remote Control

Having a great home theater shouldn’t involve a dozen different remotes scattered over your coffee table. Unfortunately, this is often the reality home theater owners have to deal with. This doesn’t just detract from the immersiveness of the theater experience, it also clutters your entertainment area with unnecessary technology.

We can install your home theater system in a way which minimizes your reliance on a bunch of redundant remotes. Not only can we consolidate controls into single devices, we can also connect your home theater system to your smart devices. Imagine controlling your audio, video and playback settings all from one convenient dashboard on your iPad.